Sylvie Dakini


Sylvie Dakini


Sylvie Dakini is a dancer, a yoga and tantra practitioner for more than 10 years. From all the forms of art she explored, dancing remained her biggest passion. The first steps on this path were made through ballet and modern dance and after, contemporary dance. Later she discovered oriental and indian dance; she coordonated for 2 years belly dance groups for all ages and took courses of traditional indian dance abroad. In 2017 she got her dancer diploma after making a contemporary dance. In the last few years she started learning also pole dance and this helped here manifest even more of her grace and femininity. Now she coordinates groups for women and teaches courses and workshops of sacred and sensual dance.

Full of life and enthusiasm, Sylvie radiates warmth and confidence together with a good practical sense and vivid intelligence. Combining the tantric teachings with her artistic nature she found a way to bring to surface her deepest emotions and sensuality in a very intense and also refined manner. This made her realize how dancing can be used as an instrument of self-knowledge and self-development, as something which helps us go beyond our mind and thus closer to our true divine nature.

“I believe that dance helps us bring to surface all our intense emotions and feelings that we have deep inside and we need to have the courage to express exactly as we are.”


All session by Sylvie Dakini