Liisa Korhonen


Liisa Korhonen on erityisopettaja, naurujoogaopettaja, joogaopettaja, hyvinvoinnin ohjaaja, Naiseuden voima –sivuston bloggaaja ja neuropsykiatrisen valmennuksen opiskelija. Hän on myös yksi Tantra Suomi –ryhmän ylläpitäjistä. Hän on intohimoinen Tantran, vuorovaikutustaitojen, kokonaisvaltaisen hyvinvoinnin ja onnellisuuden opiskelija. Punaisena lankana hänen työssään on turvallisen tilan luominen, joka mahdollistaa rentotumisen, syvällisen kohtaamisen ja leikkisyyden.
Liisan blogi:

Liisa Korhonen has practised yoga since the year 2000. She became acquainted with laughter yoga in December 20015 while in India and knew immediately that she had found her craft. She educated herself as a laughter yoga teacher in September 2006 and has taught laughter yoga since, for example in Ashtanga Yoga Shala, in Etnofitness and for several private groups. She has also educated herself as a hatha vinyasa flow -instructor in Thailands Absolute Yoga Sanctuary. She combines laughter yoga with the calming and health-improving deep breathing of yoga. According to her, playing, laughing and frolicing together are the best things you can do while fully clothed. Laughter makes you forget your everyday worries and opens your heart towards receiving others. There can never be too much lightness and joy in life <3
Liisa is the author of the popular Himalajan Nauru -blog at Naiseuden Voima -site.

All session by Liisa Korhonen