Guy Barrington (UK)

Guy Barrington (UK)



Guy is an inner wisdom-joy-love explorer and perpetual Student of Life and the Divine. He has trained in Healing, Meditation, Qi Gong, Shamanism, Sufism, Biodanza, Tantra… Guy Works as Dancing Heart Path Facilitator, Heart Fire Life Coach, Colibri Heart Tribal Trance Dance Shamanic guyde. He is the Founder of Bliss Conscious Clubbing in Sweden, Norway, Denmark & UK and full time Father to his wonderful 9 year old Son/Sun Juan.

He primarily sees his Heart Work as inspiring, awakening, reminding and gently guyding and inviting us back to our natural Heart centred way of living, feeling, expressing, relating and creating.

He shares his Heart Work in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Czech Republic, Northern & Southern Ireland, England, France, Canada and worldwide via webcasts and online Courses.

If you’re interested in discovering more about ‘The Dancing Heart Path – Modern Mystery School & Facilitator Training’ join this facebook group;

If you’d like to receive regular inspiration from Guy please join ‘Diamond Heart Fire Trance-Missions’ at;


All session by Guy Barrington (UK)