Arthur and Minodora are a fascinating meeting between Nordic calmness, beautiful serenity, and fiery southern dynamism.
They both possess a deep knowledge of Yoga and Tantra. They are enthusiastic spiritual practitioners who live life understanding that everything that happens to us is an opportunity for growth and that the challenges we overcome are what make us who we are.
Through tantra, they have discovered a uniquely positive attitude to life, living through the heart and with profound awareness. Besides that, Arthur is a life coach and business consultant and teacher of tantra, meditation, and yoga with 20 years of teaching experience.
Minodora is teacher of Yoga, Tantra and groups for awakening femininity with 20 years of experience. She has a vast life experience, ranging from massage to art to promotional work, in all these fields she integrated the spiritual teachings of Tantra, searching for the perfection and beauty through the fulfilment of every aspect of life.