Anatomy of Courage – A Love Affair with The Unknown

24 marras 2018
Surya / in English

Anatomy of Courage – A Love Affair with The Unknown

What is courage? Where and how do we find it, even in the most unpredictable and challenging situations? Often we say the opposite of courage is fear, but is it really so? What does science say? What does your heart say? And why was courage considered for thousands and thousands of years as a primary condition for self-development by many spiritual traditions?

Courage is a phenomenon we either seek to understand, aim to control and use in our advantage, or deny, ridicule and try desperately to run away from throughout our life. In fact, throughout the life of the entire humanity, as in the depth of the human subconscious the psycho-emotional drive we call courage is sometimes moving mountains as an archaic mythological hero awakening in us. An archaic inborn human quality which in its mysterious glory is key in any process of human transformation.

As part of a larger research project on courage I did in the period 2014 – 2017, some fascinating findings unfolded themselves with regards to the nature of courage as an emotional capacity in any of us and what we often refer to in tantra and spirituality as ’the inner journey of self-realisation’. In this workshop I am going to share some of the most accessible findings as well as explore together with you the ’anatomy of courage’ through a series of exercises, which can help you to overcome challenges in your life and access your inner source of courage.

This workshop is for everybody.

The content is different than the workshop called The Hero with a Thousand Faces – Courage & Masculinity held during the festival.