Language of the Heart (lecture)

22 Apr 2017
12:30 - 14:00
Tantran salaisuudet

Language of the Heart (lecture)

The heart is a mysterious organ which plays an extraordinary role in our lives, far beyond what is commonly known. Recent scientific studies have shown that the heart has a system of neurons that have both short term and long term memory, in reality the heart sends more information to the brain than vice versa and the heart knows things before it becomes conscious to us in our minds. Many spiritual traditions have talked about the importance of the Spiritual Heart which on the other hand can’t be located in our physical body. The Spiritual Heart is the spiritual organ that among other things is generating love. When we access our Heart it brings coherence, integrity and peace. The Spiritual Heart is constantly guiding us through the ups and downs in life – but we can only follow it if we know how to listen to the silent voice of the Heart.