Healing Love – Inner Sexual Alchemy

22 Apr 2017
12:30 - 14:00
Valaistuneen Rakkauden polku

Healing Love – Inner Sexual Alchemy

In this workshop we will get to some of the most important things in the Taoist ways of understanding the Tantric relations between men and woman – male and female.
We will talk about the connections between masculine and feminine energy and how we as individuals are able to cultivate these energies.

Sexual energy is the most powerful and versatile energy available to us.  We can tap into this virtually infinite reservoir of creative energy and use it for healing, to nourish ourselves and to improve our relationships and sex life.

Healing Love practices consist of learning to cultivate, transform, circulate and conserve our sexual energy.  Men and women lose sexual energy in different ways so there are specific practices for each to slow the depletion of this vital energy. Men lose energy through ejaculation and women mainly through menstruation and childbearing.

We will also learn techniques to improve our relationships.